Gifted | Teen Ink


May 2, 2023
By Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are those that born more capable at something than another

Which you may ask yourself does that make them better technically yes and no

The Gifted may be lacking something else something that holds them back from showing their Gift off

Whatever the case I am among those gifted

 I have skills in almost all school subjects with the ability to learn skills fast

I hold the ability to express myself openly to people and im seen as someone who you want to hang around

 I lastly hold gifts of art and writing upon which I can express my soul and emotions  

No matter how good or bad those skills are comparatively to other Gifteds I hold these skills

Yet even with my interests, my gifts, and myself i'm still held by how I've been treated 

along my over alliance on others to check if what i'm doing is right 

For me to finally be at peace with myself I have to overcome the hurdle of just living with Mistakes

 I have the strength to do it and those who will always support me I just have to push myself alongside the cheers for me to do so 

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