A Bright Night in London | Teen Ink

A Bright Night in London

April 21, 2023
By Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sky was dark blue,

Contrasting the bright yellow street lights.

The nearby buildings were glowing,

And many people were sitting and chatting.

Hundreds of businesses booming,

With countless customers.

Whether it was tea, coffee, or beer,

Gallons of drinks were served.

Pubs were filled to the brim,

With Irish, English, Scottish, and Welsh all the same.

Radios everywhere were

Playing the most recent reports.

The alleyways were loud 

And full of cheers,

After the long awaited victory

By the British army,

Far away in Normandy.

The author's comments:

1945, London, England, United Kingdom

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