When Forever Was Still Forever | Teen Ink

When Forever Was Still Forever

April 12, 2023
By SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."

- Virginia Woolf

You told me you would be there forever,

Frollicing the hot summers,

And trekking the winter cold

With peace, love, and justice,

Or the world on fire

You said you would stick around,

And you didn't


I forget the sound of your voice now,

Your face is hard to picture,

Your song and laugh,

Smile and cry,

Nothing but a distant lullabye

And I find myself regretting

Every day your gone


Your favorite color was purple,

And your cheetah stuffed animal was named Charlotte

We would go around your block on scooters

And play on playgrounds near mine

We made friendship bracelets,

Stories and worlds,

Planned our futures like we had a clue at all

I just wish I knew better then


You said "forever,"

And back then we really did think it would be,

But now in my eyes are tears,

Because now I know

What forever really means

And that no one is truly there forever,

But for however ever long they can

And what hurts the most about friends 

Is that if you really, truly love them,

You won't hold them back with their forever,

And you'll let them go

The author's comments:

I wish our forever could have been a little longer, but I understand we were meant for different paths. Thank you for being such a great friend, and I hope you live a happy, loving life wherever or whatever you decide to do. I'll always remember us, even if us didn't last.

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