You'll Tell Me I'm Crazy | Teen Ink

You'll Tell Me I'm Crazy

April 7, 2023
By shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
shorrmiel GOLD, New York City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Tell me I’m crazy again.

Tell me like I don’t already know. 

Its midnight again,

I’m angry again.

You’ll tell me I'm crazy.

Some days I’m ok with it.

Some days I want to scream.

Some days 




I’ll classify you as a life lesson in hopes to make it easier.

You won’t even classify me.

You can’t label me as anything but



A girl who would do anything for you.

So please,

Tell me I’m crazy.

Once upon a time your persuasive smile could deceive my mind.

Your soft brown eyes could twist my words.

Your empty promises could hug me.

When you leave and act like we never happened I won’t miss

The eyes

The words

The Smile

I’ll miss me 

The most.

I’ll miss me.


I never asked for this.

You knew that.

You did it anyway out of the kindness of your thick raw teenage boy heart.

I’ll write it off as a life lesson.

You’ll tell me I’m crazy


And again. 

But, if I asked

If I begged,



Tell me I’m crazy.

You wouldn't. 

The author's comments:

I am exploring what it means to be a teenage girl. I am taking each loss, gain, interaction as inspiration. I'm hoping it helps me navigate the confusion.

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