Rain | Teen Ink


March 23, 2023
By LilacsBloom BRONZE, Highwood, Montana
LilacsBloom BRONZE, Highwood, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone hates these days
The days where the sky cries for hours
Not me
These are the days I smile the most
I long to dance with those tears
These are the days
The day I feel most alive
Together the rain and I let it all out
Together we fall apart
But I’m not sad
Instead I’m relieved
I get to be heard on these days
I know the rain
I think it knows me too
On the days the sky cries
On these days I feel warm inside
I wish these days would come more often
But I sit and wait patiently
Knowing that the next time it rains
I won’t be alone in my crying
Oh how I love the days when it rains

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