Earthquake | Teen Ink


February 26, 2023
By Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein

Shattered buildings, broken homes,

The sound of cries and mournful groans,

A tragedy that should have never been,

But fate dealt a cruel and harsher scene.


The earth shook violently, without a care,

And left behind a trail of despair,

Families torn apart, lives destroyed,

Innocent souls left shattered and void.


Syria and Turkey, now united in grief,

As they struggle to find some relief,

From the pain and the loss that they've endured,

From the heartbreak that cannot be cured.


The streets are filled with rubble and dust,

As survivors search for loved ones they trust,

Hoping and praying for a miracle to appear,

To ease their pain and calm their fear.


But as the days go by, the reality sinks in,

And the magnitude of the tragedy begins to begin,

The scars of the earthquake will forever remain,

Etched in the memories and hearts of those in pain.


So let us mourn for those who were lost,

And for those who have paid a heavy cost,

May they find strength in each other's embrace,

And may their spirits find solace and grace


Shattered buildings, broken homes,

The sound of cries and mournful groans,

A tragedy that should have never been,

But fate dealt a cruel and harsher scene.


The earth shook violently, without a care,

And left behind a trail of despair,

Families torn apart, lives destroyed,

Innocent souls left shattered and void.


Syria and Turkey, now united in grief,

As they struggle to find some relief,

From the pain and the loss that they've endured,

From the heartbreak that cannot be cured.


The streets are filled with rubble and dust,

As survivors search for loved ones they trust,

Hoping and praying for a miracle to appear,

To ease their pain and calm their fear.


But as the days go by, the reality sinks in,

And the magnitude of the tragedy begins to begin,

The scars of the earthquake will forever remain,

Etched in the memories and hearts of those in pain.


So let us mourn for those who were lost,

And for those who have paid a heavy cost,

May they find strength in each other's embrace,

And may their spirits find solace and grace.

The author's comments:

This is a sad  poem about the recent earthquake in syria and turkey.

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