Is it so hard to be a teen? | Teen Ink

Is it so hard to be a teen?

February 9, 2023
By itsoviwriteup_7 BRONZE, Ghy, Other
itsoviwriteup_7 BRONZE, Ghy, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it so hard to be a teen?

When the waves are calling,

 And the sun is blazing,

Why does the heart say to run,

To hide and to get away with all the fun.


Is it so hard to be a teen?

When the mind overthinks,

And the heart breaks down,

Why does guilt sets in,

Even when no fault was around.


The innocence of the teen,

When the time sets in,

This is the time you live says he

So he dumps all his duties.


Moments later, a change of mind.

A blank, numb heart dies hard.

Even after making the kindest did,

Why does he feel dark grief?


Happiness is for moments,

So is the grief.

Yes, it's hard to be a teen.

Whilst the other from the folk walks in,

Accepting what's to come.

Knowing the rules for these years,

Never would this question be a cause of his worry.


Folks, this is the golden period,

Cherish what one gets

No, it's not hard to be a teen,

But not as easy as you think.


Buckle up for the ride,

Hold on to your elders tight.

Once it ends, and you turn back,

It would seem like a journey of a while.

The author's comments:

Hey there!

Hardik this side. I am from India and I am a proud teen. Poetry and Writing has always been a part of me and whenever I want to express myself, the pen is all I need. I had published my first book ever back in 2022 called "The Euphoric Guy". Every day I look forward to do something new, something fun.

This poem is one of my recent ones. This speaks about what a teen feels throughout the day. The mood swings, overthink, heart breaks and everything as such. 

I hope to keep publishing more through Teen Link!

Thank you!

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