Farmer Joe | Teen Ink

Farmer Joe

February 1, 2023
By Addy_AHSWRITING BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Addy_AHSWRITING BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The farm house creaks in agony as time goes on

Farmer Joe knows this house has seen better days

The swirl of loneliness sounds like a hay bale that no cows will eat 

The rock bottom of October never will smell of sweet cinnamon again

The farm went up in fierce flames 

The sadness of Joe breaks in the smell of rain clouds

Rain pours down from the sky like a rocket off to space

Joe closed his eyes as he roared back at the thundering skies

Joe could only sit there and watch his farm smoke

Then like a fairy off to neverland, buzzing starts to fill Joes ears like music

“If you turn hope on high, you’ll see spring flowers and feel a bright warm sky” Joe could hear someone yelling from a distance.

Joe shoots his eyes open and sees his farm rebuilding in front of him

And Just like that….

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see spring flowers and feel a bright warm sky again

The author's comments:

I have a lot of friends who farm and I know they would be very sad without them.

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