I am the Lone Wolf | Teen Ink

I am the Lone Wolf

January 31, 2023
By Anonymous

So far away I go unnoticed

The dead silence makes me go unheard

In deepest darkest part I go untouched 

I can taste the cold emptiness that swallows me

Everyone still so far away they can’t smell my aroma 

To move swiftly, to be unseen

To be alone in the darkness unnoticed

To stay hidden and disguised

To be invisible to the naked eye

To stay concealed and locked away

To be forever hidden alone

So far away, there's no need to be quiet

So far away, I feel voiceless

So far away, I feel still

So far away, I am muted to the world

So far away, I am silenced

The loneliness of no one's comfort

No affection to keep the fire burning

No love to keep on thriving

No one to hold on to

No one to give my love

No life to keep on living

The taste of the ice against your lips

No taste of sweetness, only bitterness

Not even pleasurable or satisfying, only sour

Nothing to taste so savory and dreamy

No taste of one's rosy red lips

Only the overpowering taste of nothing

The missing smell of burning candles

The absent scent of the room

The emptiness to each inhale

Their lost smell in your clothes

The whiff of nothing that surrounds me

I am the lone star, far, far, away, and forever alone

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