Against the Cold Glass | Teen Ink

Against the Cold Glass

January 30, 2023
By klee2025 GOLD, Lynchburg, Virginia
klee2025 GOLD, Lynchburg, Virginia
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A reflected silhouette is looking back.
The tip of the girl’s head reached the third windowsill,
The ends of her arms make their way down to her waist.
The girl’s legs stood straight, side by side,
But her right foot twitched as she folded her toes in and out.
Her hair reached the edges of her shoulders - since when?
And her body was covered by a large shirt.

Looking at the girl, she held her wrist and squeezed it tight,
And the girl did too. 
When she began to turn and walk away,
So did the girl, who walked back. 
And then she came back to look into the girl’s eyes once more;
She stood still,
Until finally she lifted her hand, pressed it against the glass, she did too,
And silently promised to look at the girl more.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired from my personal experience as a teenager, representing low self-esteem and self-consciousness. 

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