The Oven | Teen Ink

The Oven

December 19, 2022
By akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
akutle PLATINUM, Oswego, Illinois
31 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the ring of the iron gate,

The clanging of metal against metal

they eat the snow off each other's

backs, they are walking silhouettes

of bones, their meat stretched

and fed to the bullets they package.

The chimneys always reek smoke,

The gray hovering above the atmosphere

Brothers breathing in sisters

Mothers breathing in daughters

They are part of the air they eat

Once laughing children

Who only cared about what was for 


So dance, whoever you were

Dance on the streets of heaven

For you will never have to dance here


The author's comments:

This piece is about the Holocaust, and embeds the thought of grief through different people.

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