Sea of Love | Teen Ink

Sea of Love

November 23, 2022
By mayasultan GOLD, Islamabad, Other
mayasultan GOLD, Islamabad, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
,تم اِس لمہے میں زندہ ہو
پر یہ لمحہ تم سے زندہ ہے۔

Every solitary raindrop trickles down the window to become one with the next drop, just the way
we coalesce in the sea of love.

A sea that brings forth boisterous winds and the aroma of dampened and soggy beach sand,
just as my feet gently plunge with every step I take into the quicksand of our love.

An illusion that lasted as long as the mirage of our love in my fantasies.

Yet, that musky scent and benign rain are all that I long to embrace in my warm arms, even
though just as I would nuzzle your specter, it would dissipate into nihility

The author's comments:

Maya Sultan has taken a dip into the somber notes of music and dark questions in literature. Building her dreams brick by brick. 

All soul, All depth.
Writing is a passion that runs deep in her veins. Her creations although raw and undefiled reek of melancholy at their intense epitome, hoping that her words seep into the reader's bones. Her publications include The Paper Crane Journal, The Hearth Magazine, Cathartic Youth Literary Magzine, Teen Ink, and Juniper Literary Magazine.  

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