Did Icarus laugh as he fell? | Teen Ink

Did Icarus laugh as he fell?

November 22, 2022
By andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever wonder if Icarus laughed as he fell?

If he threw is head back and laughed with joy as he plummeted towards the Earth

Because he had touched the sun?

Do you ever wonder if Icarus laughed as he fell?

As his wax wings melted off his back and the Earth prepared to catch him

Cradle his wounds

Because he was a mortal who flew on wings of wax

Because he touched the sun

Because although in the end he failed he still flew

On wings made of wax and hope

Do you ever wonder if Icarus laughed as he fell?

If as he fell he screamed his joy to the heavens and laughed

Upon realizing that no mortal had ever touched the sun?

That his biggest failure was also his biggest success?

The author's comments:

The story of Icarus is that he was a mortal who made wings of wax and flew and touched the sun, but the wings melted and he fell back to earth.

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