From Strangers to Friends to Missing You | Teen Ink

From Strangers to Friends to Missing You

November 17, 2022
By andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
andy2025 SILVER, Lacrosse, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From strangers to friends to missing you

From strangers who happen to meet because I liked your necklace

To friends who gossiped during class

To missing you

To hating sunsets

To wishing for you back

To wanting you back

And like a flower

You planted yourself in my mind

And I now water your memory with faint laughter and ghosts of a smile

From strangers to friends to missing you

From admiring you from afar

To whispered details about who’s dating who

From strangers to friends to loving you

And your voice

And your laugh

From strangers to friends to missing you

The author's comments:

I miss you beautiful girl, fly high

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