What the United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What the United States Flag Stands For

November 4, 2022
By Anonymous

The United States all stands upon freedom. The freedom of feeling safe in this amazing country yet the struggle is not to be forgotten to show where we have migrated from. 

This country was not built on dreams and money like most other writers will talk about; they all came after the blood sweat and tears day in and day out.

The young men that built this country up from nothing to what it is today really shows the freedom being talked about. All the lives that were given for this country shows its freedom. 

The late nights of inventions after inventions to innovate the future of the country is the freedom that's talked about when the letters U.S.A are talked about. 

The suffering and going to bed and waking up with no electricity and having to work till it's dark again to help your family afford the dinner that day- is the freedom talked about.

The United States all stands upon freedom. The freedom that came from all the sacrifices.  

The author's comments:

From the heart

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