i did love you. | Teen Ink

i did love you.

October 20, 2022
By dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
cause you only live forever in the lights you make
when we were young, we used to say
that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
now we are the kids from yesterday
~ my chemical romance

falling out of the burdened unrequited love in october,

fall once more becomes my favorite season.

the presence you have over the mind remains ghostlike,



a word i was not accustomed in the use of referring to the one who i truly loved.

the careless words spoken and unspoken are now reversible.

i desire you no more.

my perception is no longer blinded, 

disappointment always negates the regret.

you can hurt me no more.

The author's comments:

some spooky teen angst for october!

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