“i believe” | Teen Ink

“i believe”

October 13, 2022
By kristian_pleasant BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
kristian_pleasant BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i really do think lightning can strike twice. i believe in love at first sight, i think the ones that u keep around should be the ones that keep you in line, i believe in daydreaming and colors that don’t exist i think you find out everything you need to know from your very first kiss, i believe in last chances and 2nd impressions because god knows i need them i believe in the things unseen simply because i can’t see them. i believe in speaking once and listening twice sometimes i find it hard to believe that god gave me my own heart and trusted me with my own life. i believe in miracles because believe it or not i think i found myself in a middle of a few i believe in all type of unbelievable things just because the type of things i’ve been through.

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