“no love letters” | Teen Ink

“no love letters”

October 13, 2022
By kristian_pleasant BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
kristian_pleasant BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

if i tried to write a love letter i’d probably run out of ink i’m infatuated with ur mind and inspired by the way u think, motivated by how u overcome all your struggles and i like that u never lost ur wild side even tho u made it out the jungle, i wish u could see yourself the way that i see you but then again it’s probably things you see in me that i see right through. but i see a light in you that could probably make heaven jealous but you see a light in me no matter how dark it seems while this picture develops, you got a quiet confidence that i find to be enticing my heart was in a rut until you came and shut things up and now writing love letters seems to be exiting. i never understood how the ones that got left was the right thing until u came around and found me funny thing is i never knew i was hiding i was a lil torn up and you came and patched me up. i seen u as a friend first so now idk if i wanna kiss u or dap you up i don’t wanna close my eyes i don’t wanna fall asleep i don’t wanna miss a thing i don’t wanna blink i tried writing a love letter but i don’t wanna use no ink let’s just write it on our hearts… tell me what u think?

The author's comments:

wrote this about my first love.

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