Life Is A Race | Teen Ink

Life Is A Race

October 12, 2022
By ThederangedPoet BRONZE, Plainfield, New Jersey
ThederangedPoet BRONZE, Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Life is a race they say

So catch up!

Or you’ll get left behind in the dust

Is it just me

Or was it always like this


When was everything made so complex?

Everything now is a competition

To be the best

To rise to the top

The predator amongst the prey

The king of kings

The almighty

While we forget

We’re just foolish prideful beings

Small things in the Earth

Under the microscope that is our world

We’re just the tiny little organisms

Yet we disperse and move farther and farther away from reality

Yet we keep this mentality

When time stops so do we

Why all these labels? 

Labels like failure and great

Making it so easy to hate and derogate

Yet we realize to see

This is not how things were always made to be

It seems to me

We forget the things we were once able to see

Life has its patience and so should we

Let’s settle down and forget trying to compete for that crown

That when we reach it in the end

Its no longer our friend

Hollowness is all we feel

It hits us in the face like steel

Let’s enjoy and relish in the simple things in life

Before their gone

Because soon,

Before long we’ll all be singing the same song

The song of oppression and opposition

And that’s just wrong

So instead of leaving others alone behind

Let’s instead help each other up

Wipe of the dust off of ourselves

Gain trust, build bonds

So we can all finish this race


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