Starless Sky | Teen Ink

Starless Sky

September 25, 2022
By Adeline GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
Adeline GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

My world started with only darkness,

The kind which turns you white.

The kind which shows your greatest fears;

With only a flick of its wrist.

My world started in the dead of night,

When the moon hid from prying eyes.

My greatest fears were never seen,

Because I knew nothing to fear.

I walked the empty chaos,

A silent storm pushing me along. 

I found the silence had noise;

If only I listened for long enough. 

I found the darkness to be comforting,

Even when the others ran from its thoughts,

I found beauty in the darkness;

Even when others only saw its terror.

Your world started with only darkness,

The kind which brings you comfort.

The kind that shows you warmth;

With only a whisper from its mouth.

Your world started in the dead of night,

When chaos brought the moon.  

You found peace within its depths;

Because you knew nothing to fear.

My world began when I saw you,

The moon hiding from my hand.

You searched for your only friend, 

But they were too afraid of me. 

Your world began when you saw me for the first time,

Eyes of blood finding those of storms.

And when you walked towards my tornado, 

You found comfort in the chaos. 

Our world started when we saw each other, 

Brought together by opposing forces.

You wanted to create a world of comfort, 

I wanted to destroy a world for fear.

In the love between two forms of darkness,

Another was formed.

A drop of light trickled into existence,

Bringing light where none was. 

The sky was once filled with nothing,

But if you looked long enough,

There was something;

There was you and me.

Born of the same,

Looking the same,

But I brought fear and you brought comfort;

And together we made the stars.

The author's comments:

This is a loose retelling of how Erebus and Nyx (the primordial deities of darkness and night in Greek mythology) made the deity of the stars, Astraeus. I wanted to represent how darkness and night are similar and different, that many find night comforting, but the dark something to fear. The stars are only able to be seen at night and in the dark, making the idea of comfort circumstantial. 

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