Toxicity | Teen Ink


September 1, 2022
By ElaineGao SILVER, Tulsa, Oklahoma
ElaineGao SILVER, Tulsa, Oklahoma
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You aver to me your fidelity: “I’d never cheat!”

I don’t doubt that; you love me as your one and only

As your life force, I can't leave, nor peel you off,

only to tend and nourish,

till the point where you suck me empty.

You quarrelsome wife whom I refuse to live with.

You won’t catch me on the roof, for I will get away.

Your love I might sense and even warm towards,

but I am no filter; I don’t tolerate lukewarm.

You are either in or out, 100%, or nothing at all.

It is not in my nature to absorb half

and keep out the other half of ugly residue.

Yet all along it is I in the folly,

rebuking the splatters on your face,

while I drown in my own mawkish tears.

Me, the spoiled daughter of a noble lord and lady,

I demand that dolls obey, or I rip out their stuffings.

The rules were simple:

they ought to please the will of their hostess.

Your love is pure in flecks, muddy in others;

mine is the rose in the Beast’s garden,

whose thorns prick if you dare to step out of the line.

Which is better, which is worse? 

Which is utterly toxic?

The author's comments:

My name is Elaine G, and I am a junior at in high school. I have two sisters. My greatest hobby of all is reading and writing, uncommon for teenagers in this generation. Whenever I have the time, I now sit down and write poetry, short stories, or even novels. Recently, I am working on publishing my very first book, The Oracle.

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