America | Teen Ink


July 31, 2022
By Anonymous

“I pledge allegiance to the flag

Of the united states of America

And to the Republic

For which it stands

One nation,

Under god

Indivisible by liberty and justice for all”

This is America,

The country with “streets of gold”

Where people are free

No we are not free

Until we are treated equal

Because we all are equal

But we are not treated that way

It’s the 20th century sequel

Never again shall people,

Live in fear,

Its too much for the american people

To endear.

Our streets are not gold,

Our people not treated equal,

And our tax system is corrupt.

Yet we are all free,

That's the only thing that makes me happy.

The author's comments:

It's unfair. But don't complain because complaining gets you nowhere.

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