Look Up | Teen Ink

Look Up

May 24, 2022
By megnbrooked BRONZE, Manchester, New Hampshire
megnbrooked BRONZE, Manchester, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I float in the empty space

Loneliness etched in my face

I pass other forms around me

The planets are with their moons like family

They make me so angry

Im cursed to be an asteroid forever alone

My sadness can´t be shown 

I've never had a hug by another

Then I saw you

Shapes with a mind of their own 

Your sapphire oceans and green land 

I move closer

I go through the bright stars 

I need to get to you 

You seemed so far

Not anymore

You are at my fingertips now 

We are finally together

I am not lonely anymore

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote for my Creative Writing class. 

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