A Bout is About | Teen Ink

A Bout is About

May 3, 2022
By jamesdailey BRONZE, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
jamesdailey BRONZE, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The crisp cool breeze flows across

Like a knife stabbing against

We haven’t played since a week ago

The team lines up along

There are no voices around

The national anthem is heard as far as

The rest of the team stands aside

The two teams meet at

The midline because of 

The starting line ups shake hands before

The fans watch from behind

Our goalie crosses between

We will win despite

The team feeling down

We have to give it our all during

One sub runs on instead of

The starters are on the field excluding

We have to win this game for

We score a goal following

The caused turnover and assist from

The other team is playing like 

A damn near 

Pro team that’s up next

We beat them in the past

We averaged over 10 goals per

Game prior to this round

Our shots were off

Our team was not on

Our coaches take the blame on behalf of

Their score is on top of 

Our offense is doing the opposite

Of what they practiced outside of 

The game is almost over

We have been giving it our all throughout

This is all we have been working toward

Keeping their score under


We have to push the ball up 

We get another goal via

A faceoff with

Our three best mids within

The game is no longer without

A winning team that gets their worth

The author's comments:

My teacher gave me inspiration for this piece.

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