The Darkened Blue and Yellow | Teen Ink

The Darkened Blue and Yellow

April 22, 2022
By Sofiko BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
Sofiko BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are people crying. 

There are people dying.

There are those that bleed,

And those that plead.


The horrors in the eyes of the infants. 

The blood running down their fathers’ hands.

The thousands running scared to death. 

I sit watching violence, for my voice is silence.

I have infinite names, but my favorite is Death.

I watch them, sit, shiver. 

Waiting their turn, to cross the border and forget their own home. 

They are funny creatures. 

They are willing to kill. 

The herds dictated with one single thing. 

Thousands running. 

Mothers crying. 

Trying to shove their own child onto a train, through a 

little window in hopes that it will carry them far away. 

Before I forget, this is no Holocaust.

This is 2022.

Just another day on planet earth. 

Somehow these people forget what I’m coming to get. 

For wars are my favorite,

They make people sad. 

I get to swim in an ocean stained with blood. 

And carry the souls up away in one giant tide.

These creatures, you know are one 

Of a kind.

They keep killing each other 

And don’t seem to mind.

They stain earth with red,

And don’t seem to care. 

They pull a trigger and bullets will rain. 

I have watched them go

Thousands at times

They make me work hard

And don’t pay me a cent.

For I am Death, and my job is simple.

It is to take the fallen and put over them a 


I have watched them sit in 


Sink underneath the pavement.

Hiding like rats in hopes to avoid death. 

There were souls given out

Under the ground.

The mothers gave birth,

To their child next to a train station 

WIth no husband to ever be found.

The air sirens go of and yet 

Again, I watch all the people 

Run down the stairs.

The final school bells have been 

Rung long ago. 

For not all the 

Children got to go home.

Some have been shot, others

Were burnt, sitting at home 

Watching their favorite 

TV shows go on. 

The sound of gunfire, teared through the night

Hurting those that were left in sight.

It may be scary.

It may be sad. 

But I’m just a witness who has slightly gone mad. 

I wish to drown out the noise. 

I try not to dwell on what was lost. 

For not all souls that had been carried up by me

Deserved to leave this world. 

The author's comments:

This piece reflects on the current situation in Ukraine. Shining light on the true events that are taking place. I am Ukrainian and I have lived there for 8 years of my life. I have been fortunate enough that my parents immigrated to the United States in 2014, but we still continued to come back to Ukraine every summer to visit. We have many relatives who live there and this piece was a way of showing the truth about the current situation. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on May. 10 2022 at 11:35 pm
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This is so touching...Every word had its own emotion and voice and It literally brought tears to my eyes...All we can do is hope and pray...