Eternally Gagged | Teen Ink

Eternally Gagged

February 20, 2022
By ansley_guyton SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
ansley_guyton SILVER, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My name is Shwan. This is my partner, Scoony 'U-Turn' Singleton." ~Shawn Spencer

does my uterus unflatter you?
my fallopian tubes wrapped around your little finger

do my breasts make my words uncredible?
does my vagina tell a different story?

what gives you the right to discredit me?
do your testicles make you more cardinal?

our minds are alike
our mouths are the same

the words that come from them
can't be judged based on how i was made

judge what's between my ears, my eyes
not what's between my legs

The author's comments:

don't let anyone make you think that you aren't viable because of your gender.

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