Dark's Demise | Teen Ink

Dark's Demise

February 8, 2022
By sarxxh BRONZE, San Jose, California
sarxxh BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trudging through the mud,

Through the quicksand, 

Hear ye, hear ye!

The king falls again.

Egoistic and flirtatious 

Yet feared by the eye.

Dressed in all black, 

Coated in pride-

They don’t need to know. 

The truth hinders deep 

Below the ground.

His plants dissolve into 


Becoming his new air. 

His days melted into 


Constantly seeking demise. 

Rolled blunts, crushed spirit

Pleading calls, 

And purple drinks. 

Nothing satiated his longing 

Not even me. 

Gave out 

My cares and concerns

But all that was visible 

Was a cloud of smoke.

The King built a maze, 

A maze that he can’t escape. 

Maybe he’s grown attached; 

It’s obvious:

He knows the way. 

Or maybe he forgot

The exit that sits so near,

Yet so far. 

The map is in her hands, 

But he has so little time to 



He found her, she found him.

A temporary queen, 

is what she was. 

Through darkened nights,

She'd light a torch, 

To scare them away

While he feeds on lean.


Her help is idle,

But she know it's vital. 

It's frustrating, but

She can’t do much. 

The exit is there, 

She pleads for him to see, 

He can be free with just 

A touch. 


So I've decided, 

Down with the King 

And his doubts! 

Down with the King 

And his traps! 

But also,

Down with his queen,

For I am a foolish map. 

The author's comments:

This is a confessional poem about my special someone. I wanted to write out his struggles in his coping mechanisms and how I play a role in his life. 

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