Hot Sauce | Teen Ink

Hot Sauce

February 4, 2022
By FabianMele BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
FabianMele BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why I appreciate hot sauce 

A flame that can make you see in black and white

May be calmed with a bottle of milk

Many may fall others may adapt ,

Who knows if you can feel relaxed,

It can be as red as  a ladybug

All the way to being green as seaweed 

It Can make you feel a tsunami in your belly 

Or make your face feel numb and non existent 

The bottle shaped like a skull just another warning 

Can even make the biggest people stumble and fall

That’s what I call a small bottle of fire

Can be found in local stores

I don’t recommend it to all 

But for those who try it ,

Try to enjoy the great  taste of hot sauce .

The author's comments:

I enjoy Hot Suace

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