My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Kaelyn. It's interesting. But—I have never felt any connection to it. 

I don’t know  why my parents chose it. I never knew what it meant. 

Social media would describe me as small. My mom would describe me as fragile. I would describe myself as quiet. I try to keep to myself. I spend most of my time in my room. Depending on who you ask, I am different people. So how does one definition of a name fit so many people? The definition of Kaelyn is, “Keeper of keys; pure, slender”.

My family goes to Irish Fest each year to watch my best friend dance . walking  around the shops on the grounds with our gigantic lemonade in hand. Shopping.  

Once we found this small shop, with a beautiful green and purple canopy, that sold name definition cards. My nine-year-old self was astonished when I found my name. I was never the kid who found her name on keychains. It wasn’t as simple as a name such as “Maddy” or “Lauren”.

This specific card was beige with a green border. my name written in a gaelic font. Definitions that I had never seen before. I realized then, that my name was beautiful in a way I didn't understand. 

I thought it was a  dirt green. A disgusting number like 9.  But what I found was that it was a beautiful seafoam turquoise. A color everybody forgets about, but once they remember, they think it's a unique and a beautiful thing. 

Kaelyn. Sounds sloppy, but put together at the same time. Maybe that's my definition of my name. It suits me perfectly.

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