Big Joe Occurrences | Teen Ink

Big Joe Occurrences

December 3, 2021
By Bobston SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Bobston SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am sitting on Big Joe.

It is more comfortable than the basic desk.

I feel the stuffing, shifting, squishing and taking form to the zip zap fabric that consumes it.


I am sitting on Big Joe.

I feel separated from the group.

It is a feeling of almost existing in third person, a perspective I am not supposed to observe from.

I am sitting on Big Joe. 

The noise I make feels secluded from the rest.

The rest being the occasional quiet chatter, the pencils tweaking and writing, the clock tick-tocking to its heart’s content.

I am sitting on Big Joe.

I can feel the warmth and comfort linger upon its bumpy circumference.

Like a worm in the pouring rain, I move freely and sense differently. 

I am sitting on Big Joe. 

My classmates perceive me discreetly now.

No longer am I reacting, twisting, and reorganizing my desk in the front.

I am now the front on Big Joe.

What is Big Joe?

Is it truly a pink casing holding a thousand soft pellets? or is it more?

Is it really just a glorified bean bag? or does it know?

Who am I sitting on Big Joe in such a static state of writing? or is there more happening?

I am sitting Big Joe… I think.

I think that Big Joe and I have many things in common with the certain situation I have constructed.

Big Joe and I are both foreign to this particular occasion right here, right now, at this very spot, at this very moment.

I share many things in common with the objects, nouns, and ideas that float and lie around me, but I feel Big Joe and I have something special. 

I am sitting with Big Joe. 

Others interact and see me, but I am mostly disassociated with the rest of my classmates, just like Big Joe.

Big Joe probably likes the quiet, but I don’t know.

Maybe I will ask and say, “ what is your favorite amount of decibels vibrating the room on a wednesday?”

I doubt he will answer, but I am sure there's a conclusion.

I am sitting with Big Joe.

Maybe our paradigms are the same.

Big Joe likes it when people sit on them and I like to sit on things. 

I am sure through some logic, some explanation, some crazy idea Albert Einstein came up with that me sitting Big Joe and Big Joe liking to be sat on is the same. 

I am Big Joe

                      Big Joe is I

                                          We are Big Joe

The author's comments:

I was sitting on Big Joe while writing this. hehehehehehe

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Afra ELITE said...
on Mar. 11 2022 at 4:21 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This is so one of a kind...★★★