a replica of coherent thought: a requiem | Teen Ink

a replica of coherent thought: a requiem MAG

By Anonymous

there’s an inferno in my mind,
racing me across the tightrope
screaming for release
i’ll meet you on the other side ...

we’ll fly away on an empty plane,
then escape through a time machine
from this world where we
are not free to be you and me

orthodoxy is to be shot down -
we’re inflicting battle wounds
to the heart and soul of the norm
it cannot weather most storms

The Big Finale:
the barrier is breached; the walls were
only paper, such as our own defense -
although we talked a good game,
and we won, just the same.

account for the losses, dole out evenly
the spoils of war to the victors:
you, me, we, i, myself, also us.
we won! where did everyone go?

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!