empty chatter | Teen Ink

empty chatter

August 7, 2021
By dawnreverie BRONZE, New Hyde Park, New York
dawnreverie BRONZE, New Hyde Park, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

do you hear the words?

like bees buzzing around my head, stinging my fragile bubble that I build fleetingly, a constant war until i tire and collapse

do you hear the laughs?

i can, it’s the only thing i can hear, the laughter around me and the screams i block out, and the laughter in my memories that i always see through like glass

do you hear the cries?

funny, isn’t it, when every bit of light-heart must be countered by tears, and why must we keep this world in balance when no one minds forever joy?

do you hear the noise?

you would think they would be gone, because when your head is empty what does it matter if there’s full ones around you– but they’re still draining

do you hear the sound?

the sound, the sound of you and everyone else, the sound of you in the future and you in the past, the sound that forever chips at our lifelong glass

did you hear the crack?

you don’t fall into the pit, you’re already in it.

it’s just waiting for you to realize that you are.

The author's comments:

You brush off their words, block out their laughs, hide away your heart, all to stay away from the pit. But you were in it all along.

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