An Ode to Joy | Teen Ink

An Ode to Joy

June 18, 2021
By The21stScribe BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
The21stScribe BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The truth is always right
Being right isn't always truthful
Being right can be a mere opinion
Truth however is always fact

By: Stephen Etuokwu

 Oh, Joy 
How are you so elusive like a sly fox 
Camouflaged, looking straight back at us 
Many people spend their lives looking for you! 
Some see you as attainable, trying to grasp your euphoria by amassing valleys of cash 
Others believe you are but a figment of imagination made to be a lesson for a fantasy 
What I believe is, you are a combination of the two bold ideas 
Not a tangible force subject to our five senses 
But you do exist within us 
You are a feeling similar to anger and despair 
A feeling many convey perfectly 
But your feeling is gentler and rare 
Anger is easily expressible and noticed by others 
Despair has a common dwelling in our minds and hearts 
But you, Joy, are different and extraordinary 
You revive dead interest in somebody 
Motivate a person to accomplish an improbable task 
Move someone to make a difference in another's life 
People wrongly use you as a synonym for happiness 
But you are so much more . . . 
Than a simple substitution 
You are empowerment; a motivator that everyone strives for 
Generosity and love surface after your appearance 
You are the reason humankind is a standing society 
There are times when your light is covered by the blanket of oppression 
Blacked out by anger, revenge, jealousy, abuse, and negativity 
Dimmed by the people who oppose your ability to cause unwanted change 
But like a spring armored with resistance 
Full of a fight and a resilient spirit 
You always bounce back victoriously, triumphant and unvanquished 
It may take a few seconds 
Or hours 
Or even years 
But you will always be in our hearts 
Stationary and dormant 
Eagerly waiting for your moment to shine once the need arises 
Experiencing you in a world plagued with evil and danger 
Makes you elusive and difficult to experience 
But when people do, they are transformed into better versions of themselves 

The author's comments:

It's my view on the elusive feeling we call joy

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