House of White | Teen Ink

House of White

June 4, 2021
By KellyLau PLATINUM, Burnaby, Columbia
KellyLau PLATINUM, Burnaby, Columbia
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whistling winds

Bursting binds

Clear minds, clear skies

Nearing cries and a 

Splintering humankind

Just round the corner, you’ll find

The cause of the blight

The need to be right and 

the right to bear arms 

The second most important thing to protect cradled in their arms

Collected and neglected wrapped in white and sins

The yearning and inevitability of pale skin

The color of rigor mortis 

The true imposters from the has-beens sneaking into the countries fortress

There are only the winners and the sinners who don’t support us

Forgetting those people sat at the same dinner table are now treasonous

Arguing over a false justice

Addicted to every kind of substance including


99.9% the same

Yet malcontentedness is cemented in our veins

The assent of a nation stuck in the pasts chains

Taxation causing starvation that's not growing pains 

Kids all alone and stripped away of a place to call home so they wait in vain 

Although inhumane, the rest of the population is still so vain

The country of dreams, that they dream to escape

A giant colossal mistake

So hope is broke

Laws revoked, politicians choked 

Waiting for a man who never spoke

Holding up podiums of white oak just smaller than their hypocrisy

And at the center of it all

burning in a plume of smoke 

was the pillars of their democracy

The author's comments:

The piece is supposed to highlight the situation in America over the last 4 years from the perspective of someone outside the country. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jun. 28 2021 at 4:49 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
172 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

You have written something truly special