stepping stones | Teen Ink

stepping stones

May 15, 2021
By emersyndyerr BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
emersyndyerr BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”

the cosmic universe can’t compare to you

they can’t even imagine to be anywhere close to you 

everything that you are is everything the universe wishes to be 

every glance you give me 

my body warms and i shiver 

nobody makes me feel like you do 

i wish i could do to you what you do to me. 

every sense of longing and wanting 

pulls me closer and closer to the edge 

my feet stand right on the brim of it all 

one word from you is all it would take for me to step off 

there would be no second thoughts 

no second guessing 


even though i would be gone 

i would no longer carry the burden upon my back of

not being enough for you. 

that step would provide me with the freedom i crave 

i wish that i could take those steps 

i cry every night because, 


i am not enough. 

-a girl who stands on the edge of it all 

The author's comments:

just a quiet yearning that consumes my entire being

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