Aqua Park | Teen Ink

Aqua Park

April 26, 2021
By zunaira_muhammad_hamid GOLD, Jubail Industrial City, Other
zunaira_muhammad_hamid GOLD, Jubail Industrial City, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The place near my house,

Has all the memories,

Of all the six years I spent here,

It almost feels like I’ve spent centuries,


The setting for my story which I imagine,

The place I want to make my house and dwell,

The ambiance, the environment, 

Which is what I’ve known in this place very well,


Aqua Park as I call it,

Flowing with a stream of the sea,

With the birds chirping, the flowers blooming,

With nature and lush greenery,


The memories of my walks remain here,

And those picnics that I recall,

The happier times that we have cherished,

And with that, I remember it all,

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