Fearing love | Teen Ink

Fearing love

April 21, 2021
By ellebl BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
ellebl BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m terrified of the word love

For him and I 

I fear I am too young

Even if my sincerity shines now

I don’t want to regret it

The words I love you 

Crescendo in 

The base of my head

Can i just lay down 

And steal peeks 

At the guillotine

It hangs with hostility

Can i die yet


Or drown in the soft creamy

Blue of my feelings

Do I desire the world

To know that I love you?

Do I even 

Fully accept

The cacophony 

That integrates with my old self

Is it all a mirage?

My mind vomit doesn’t 



It horrifies me

Tizzy and dizzy

My emotions

A weeble wobble

But love should be light

And keep me afloat

Not shoving my head 

In frigid waters 

But I’m just spinning

Please oh please

Can I just slow down

Can love stop hunting me

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