the unknown | Teen Ink

the unknown

April 12, 2021
By emersyndyerr BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
emersyndyerr BRONZE, Hendersonville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”

I miss everyone so much. 

the emptiness I feel is eternal. 

nothing but darkness. 

I just want that beautiful light back. 

someone reached deep within my soul and stole my light. 

and without my light and I am left empty. 

and forever alone. 

they took everything from me. 

please. someone. save me. 

I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. 

ya know? death seems so peaceful. 

because at least with death, there is something. 

- a girl who just wants peace 

The author's comments:

Sometimes you can feel overcome with this sense of lonliness and you feel like you are drowning in it. But I wrote about it, so others can know that they aren't alone. You can overcome it. 

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