Swings | Teen Ink


April 8, 2021
By RuthOwl SILVER, Orlando, Florida
RuthOwl SILVER, Orlando, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pushing off the ground

Leaning back and letting go

Bend your knees and feel the breeze

As you're swinging to and fro


Revel in the sunlight

As the playground shrinks beneath you

The wind stops

Your stomach drops

You're falling from the blue


Sweeping past the mulch

And soaring to the sky

For one so small you've never

Been so high

So jump!


A tumble and a moment

You're sitting on the side

With bloody knees and splinters

While your friends make play and hide


Now you're headed home

The disinfectant stings

But tomorrow you will fly again

Tomorrow ride the swings.

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