Still the Sun Cries | Teen Ink

Still the Sun Cries

March 16, 2021
By Tangerine123 BRONZE, New York, New York
Tangerine123 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

the merciless sun whips the boundless arid loess,

branding the fiery province of Cape Town

a barren home for throats dwindling on a liquid thread.

the fruitful pillows of quartz selfishly abduct the yarn 

from the quilts of auburn red

pleading for the taste

of the fleshy thread once more.

the land's tears slither

to the wiry veins of the unknown

running blue

running hot

with the smoky waves of humankind.

the bone-like, deserted abode

for a family 

of toxic opaque pots

breeds sulfates

and leeching carbon

like the gluttonous sky of pillows

carries their prisoner's weight.

the sun cries

a parched dust cocktail

while the land of Cape Town

receives its annual runoff-pesticide soup

which instills its venom mercilessly,

much like the weeping sun.

the sun still cries,

from its crackling soul,

because in its core it believes

in the cave of missing fabric


The author's comments:

“Still the Sun Cries” addresses the impact of climate change on the people of Cape Town, South Africa, who face severe drought due to rising heat levels. While I had always hailed Martin Luther King Jr. as a Civil Rights hero, I recently learned about MLK’s commitment to eradicating environmental racism. Delving into the insidious chains of environmental racism inspired me to write about struggling black communities and environmental issues that perpetuate endemic oppression. 

South Africa -stained by Apartheid- is facing unprecedented droughts brought on by climate change, impacting all people. However, as in America, black communities are hit the hardest.

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