we are both cats | Teen Ink

we are both cats

March 14, 2021
By linus-e BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
linus-e BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are both cats, imagine it now, you are fluffy and russet brown i am calico with big blotchy spots on my back.

We are laying on our sides at the base of a willow tree, just me and you, under where the branches part so when the sun sets we can see the sky in all its beauty.

And how the sun sets!
The sky is pink and blue and yellow and the sun beams down through the branches and the leaves and warms our fuzzy little tummies and we lay there content to just live.

To anyone else the world might feel very very big but we are just cats, you and me, and we don’t have to worry about all that.

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