Letter To Myself | Teen Ink

Letter To Myself

March 11, 2021
By ap_yasminn BRONZE, Austin, Texas
ap_yasminn BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life will get harder, 

It’ll tear you,

make you weak,

and overwhelmed

You will cry,


and feel worthless

But you must remember to get up,

Know that there will be better times

Times that might feel like you're in a fantasy

Times that will motivate you,

Give you hope

The hope to become a better version of yourself

A version that won't be scared

But valorous,

And strong

Strong enough to conquer anything and everything

But you shall never forget to be 


You are,



 And Strong  

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem telling myself that there will be times when life will hit and it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to spend some time alone, to cry, and to let loose of any emotions you might be holding in. But i remind myself to  get back up and become a 10x better version of myself. I find this poem to be something that i can come back to and read in the future to motivate myself. 

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