It's Fine | Teen Ink

It's Fine

March 2, 2021
By Anonymous

I'll tell you it's fine

As a mask to hide the pain

I see you and I feel my heart

Start to shatter

Into a million pieces 

 she holds your hands.

I wish I could.

To see you guys together

It breaks my glass heart

And unlike you

I can't be fixed with glue

Every time we had a moment

I should have known

It wouldn't last

Your heart belonged to another

You call it jealousy 

When I'm just afraid of losing you. 

You tricked me into thinking

I have a chance

But in all reality

It was never a small percentage

Not even the tiniest 

 I am just a friend

And will always be just a friend 

It’s fine, I’ll say only once more

If I say it again I might 

Start to tremble

Then you will see behind the lie

It's not fine 

Because you're not ever going to be mine.

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