Black And Proud | Teen Ink

Black And Proud

February 23, 2021
By calebwhite3 BRONZE, New York, New York
calebwhite3 BRONZE, New York, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bang Bang Bang

And just like that he dropped dead

Three quick shots to the head

Many people watched and the cop ran away, 


Some people say all cops are bad

I was starting to think they were right

But that doesn’t mean we should give up our fight

Because our futures are bright

We should be proud of who we are

Even if to some people we may seem bizarre 

We are all stars

We should be black and proud and shout out loud

We have our own beautiful culture

Which some people hate on us for and act like vultures

We’re powerful

We’re strong 

And mighty

That’s all

But these racist people continue to make us fall

If you have an afro then wear it

If you have curls then wear them

If you have a durag continue to wear it

If you have a talent then share it

Let our voices be heard

Until this plague known as racism is cured

We keep going up like a stair

Because we have our own flair

We shouldn’t be scared

We shouldn’t have to be afraid

We all come from different places

No matter what our race is

We are all equal

And that means we should be peaceful

But that's not the case

So we have to embrace each other

No matter how long it takes

No matter how high the stakes

I will not stop fighting until they quit

Because we are tired of putting up with this shit

The author's comments:

This was a poem that I wrote for class and for black history month.

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