The Problem That I Didn’t Create | Teen Ink

The Problem That I Didn’t Create

January 27, 2021
By Anonymous

It’s Sad.


To look out and see damage, i have not done

To be the one to fix it.To determine what will be done next.

To be the one t reap the consequences,

For generations who lacked empathy for me

And the ones who come after 

I know. I won’t be here for long 

But what is it to watch beauty be destroyed so that only stories are left to describe it. 

Beauty as such can only be seen and touched.

So I have to fix it.

You do, We do.

So that this beauty may continue inheriting the earth, so that the ones after me will see,

And their eyes blessed from such vision

The author's comments:

This piece describes my generations frustration with our current environmental issues, social issues Etc. However we have to be the one's fix it.

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