When the rain hits | Teen Ink

When the rain hits

January 10, 2021
By wielandi16780 BRONZE, Salisbury, Vermont
wielandi16780 BRONZE, Salisbury, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the rain hits 

It leaves all but a mist

On the lips 

Of the chrysantheum 


meteorologists tumble at the tips of the tv 

Boasting of their accuracy


I lean into the window 

Almost falling forward

My eyes submerge from my heavy skin

Peering for life


Like a diver emerging from the sea

my eyes begin to pull back my cheeks

A haze of grey trudges toward me 

Like static

Glitchy and stagnant 


A beige sewer at the end of the yard 

Avalanches of fog-like rain 

Swiftly taken away


Worms and dirt mixing in

A soup for the sewer


glazed from the gloom


I see webs smacked down

Latched onto bits of bark 

But losing 


I walk onto the grass

Bare-toed but brave 


Watching as the rampant shower slows

The shower has nothing to show for but a puddle 

And even that evaporates


Sucked from its own stance 


The water sits lightly on the grass but it'll eventually seep through

Cause no matter how cruel

Destructive or,

Unruly rain might be

We'll always be tied to it 

And it'll always leave 

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