Just A Crush | Teen Ink

Just A Crush

January 8, 2021
By Anonymous

I remember the day i met him, The way the sunlight splashed across his face, The way his smile lit up and his big brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight, His voice was like my favorite song on the radio, Like I  just want to keep listening to that one song over and over again and you could never get tired of it. The way he would say Hi to me and get a big smile on his face every time he saw me, Addicted to everything about him, the way he walks, talks, his eyes, his smile, his kindness, just him in general. Whenever he came around i would get butterflies in my stomach, I would get EXTREMELY nervous when he talked to me but still remained calm and tried my best not to make it obvious. I love everything about him.

The author's comments:

This is from a real experience that i recently had with a certain someone, I still really like this person, Just haven't seen him in a while...

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