The Best Game To Live | Teen Ink

The Best Game To Live

December 11, 2020
By kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Baseball season is here, The grass is green as it had a new season’s smell

The white chalk along the foul line was as white as paper

The fans yelling and screaming as I hear my mom even louder

The smell of the snack bar as they made pretzels and hotdogs 

The chanting of the opposing team cheering for their player up

Baseball season is here, the umpire yelling “strike!”

The mound is perfectly shaped like a dome

The home plate lines up exactly straight to the mound

The batter's boxes were like arenas for a batter

The long stares between the pitcher and batter

Baseball season is here, the long night games that made you feel like a Big Leaguer 

The taste of Big League chew as you wind up on the mound

The eye black smeared like a warrior as you glance at your opponents 

The celebration when the worst hitter gets a hit

The pressure on your shoulders like a monkey when your family’s there

Baseball season is here, the only thing you cared about is winning

The coach giving you the signs to a hit and run

The clutch moments that won you MVP

The look of shock when you hit a home run

The reason you run home from school to get ready for

Baseball season is here, the mom's gossip you hear when you’re up to bat

The arguments wether the pitcher threw a strike or not

The worrying moment when your coach visits you on the mound

The extra innings that keep you there late like a punishment

The younger kids so eager to play they throw their own games

Baseball season is here, the high fives and good games that put a smile on your face

The snowcones after a game that left you with a colored mustache

The long talks with the coach on how to improve

The walk back to the car you have envisions being the next big thing

The dreams you have that night about striking your friend out

Baseball season is here, waiting for the playoffs like someone in a rush for work

The moment you get a call from your grandma saying how she heard you did well

The moment you get a trophy and hold it for the world to see

The thanks you give for being a part of the team

The love of the game may never be broken and will always stick

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