Invasion of Carpenter Park | Teen Ink

Invasion of Carpenter Park

December 8, 2020
By angelaamao BRONZE, Syosset, New York
angelaamao BRONZE, Syosset, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In its full spring glory,

Multiflora rose blooms with the emergence of crabapple trees, 

While the fields of golden top flowers buoyalty burst back to life

But the threat is everlasting, pervasive

Concealed throughout the park.

Porcelain berry,

Berries bursting with rich hues of violet and blue

A tender rope, a delicate vine

Softly entangles its beloved

Creeping up the trunk, unyielding in its pursuit.

Sweet in its deception, 

An enchanting wift of honeysuckle 

Lures one into a daze

Before sickly-sweet golden blooms

Form a smothering tangle under the sun.

Steady march of infantry 

Orderly storm up the flanks of a tree

Weighed down by the brunt of the attack,

One by one, each crumples from the strike

Overwhelmed by the zealous Kudzu.

Sweat and tears poured into our defense - 

Acquainted through countless action, 

we use the trowel and the shears 

For they are our sword and our shield

To leave our enemy

Torn from the soil -

Left to wither in the barren field.

But like Pyrrhus of Epirus, victorious at Asculum

Gazing out at the battlefield;

A single plot may be freed

But the seeds are already embedded 

Awaiting to emerge from slumber.

For the golden laurel was not his to keep

The loss of his men! A sight to weep.

Learn his lesson, my dear

For you cannot stop the onslaught of nature -

Invaders are already in our midst.

The author's comments:

Having worked at Carpenter Park removing invasive plants, I often felt frustrated at the lack of progress after a long day of work. In my head, I compared the experience to a battle, or more specifically a "Pyrrhic victory" and personified the plants into various foes. 

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