Dark | Teen Ink


October 21, 2019
By beebz2020 BRONZE, Canoga Park, California
beebz2020 BRONZE, Canoga Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The dark 

The dark

Oh such fear it brings!

The dark 

The dark 

What lies within is a mystery

But I know what's there 

In the corner of the room 

What hides there horribly 

As i stand back looking at you

For it's not just a coat hanging on the back of the door

And it's not just the helmet that you left lying on the floor

What you truly see, I think it best i not tell 

My friends like to remain a secret and I only want to wish them well

But next time you lie in the darkness of the room 

Remember that these so called objects might just be looking back at you

So don’t be afraid and don’t close your eyes

If I told you they only live in the darkness, I’d be telling you lies

They can find you in the light

And they can find you in the day

However it’s the darkness they prefer

At least that's what they say

So tuck yourself in and turn off the lights

No blanket can save you from there evil frights

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I am in the Halloween spirirt.

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